If you try applying through the employer’s career site but don’t receive a request for an interview, you can travel to Canada and continue your job search. Some employers host in-person job fairs in Whistler before the start of each season. Here, you can speak with hiring representatives directly and pass them your resume. However, just like applying online, it is difficult to make yourself stand out as a candidate. The employers speak with hundreds of interested candidates each day at these hiring fairs.
Be ready to present yourself to the potential employer. This means bringing copies of your resume with you along with your references. In Canada, references are key to getting hired, so before your trip to Canada make sure you have prepared at least two reference letters from your country of citizenship. They must be written in English.
Top tip: you will have limited time to present yourself to the employer at the job fair, so be sure you know exactly what parts of your resume to highlight that will be relevant for the position.
If you take this approach, bear in mind that you will need to find accommodation in Whistler until you have your job and housing sorted. This is not a cheap option, so you will need to have a good budget for the first few weeks (or longer) while you look for a job.
Hotels that provide staff housing in Whistler are limited, so keep in mind that even if you successfully land a job at a fair, you may still need to find your own housing. This is where the real challenge begins. By the time you have arrived in Whistler and found a job, many of the decently priced housing options for rent near the village will already be taken. If you wait too long, you may get stuck with having to pay an exorbitant price for rent in an unideal location.
Of course, we don’t recommend getting your housing arranged before you receive a job offer. This is in case you don’t have any success finding a job in Whistler and need to try Vancouver instead.